Tag «bugs»

Hole-y data

So the current users graph has a few more holes than expected. I’ve updated the script to be a little more intelligent and poll when it’s not received updated statistics (when it expected them too). Linden Lab/SL statistics aren’t perfect and not updated on time and sometimes not at all, so this will hopefully fill …

Friday night problems

Well it used to be Sundays were the big problem nights but now it seems to have become Fridays. It seems that we’re told not to perform any transactions as well as logins are restricted. Concurrency numbers are holding up.. for the moment. [Update: 8:11 GMT] Spoke to soon on the concurrency numbers.. [Update: 8:43 …

Reduced SL Service

Well to keep SL up (more or less) Linden Lab have disabled functionality. While I can understand the need to keep SL up and running, it seems these key services (see below) are a a little too fundamental to the heart of SL with the notable exception of the first one. I can understand disabling …

A bad, bad day

Click on the image above for more detail. Well another bad day. The worst in my memory, anyway. Between routing issues (see earlier post) and in world issues the grid has been down most of the day and the night before and when available was slow and laggy. As you can see on the graph …

Routing problems this morning

Waking up this morning to find I can’t log on SL. Second Life is experiencing some technical difficulties of a different kind. It seems that routing issues are keeping it closed, with the obvious levels of online users you can expect. Hopefully they’ll get this one fixed soon though.

This problematic week

  Click on the image above for more detail. I don’t think there are many people who think it’s been a particularly good week in Second Life. Shortly after I generated the graph to cover midday-midday for the last seven days (click on the graph for more detail) I couldn’t help but notice that problems …